
Video: Tea Party Convention Attendees Speak

Walter L. Newton2/13/2010 1:29:48 pm PST

re: #257 Walter L. Newton

Where did I call the code I was referencing “And quibbling over quick and dirty methods used to parse a flat file.”“

“Quick and dirty” are you words. That’s what I am talking about. None of the code and data I will be discussing has anything to do with “quick and dirty” scripts or snippets or what ever.

I don’t know where you ever got the idea that I had in mind “quick and dirty” coding.

My monograph will be about the LIVE legacy programs and dataset that were used by CRU for many, many years… and the problems with the data they were generating…

As I say in my monograph…

“Does this information presented here disprove AGW? Of course not. There are many other scientific organizations besides the CRU. But it does highlight provable facts that the CRU in themselves have been responsible for bad data, bad programs and as we have seen by the dust up about the ignored Freedom of Information Act requests that was issued to CRU, responsible for trying to cover up their mistakes. This is bad science and unfair to all the honest scientist the world over who are diligently working on honest climate science.”

And I will also be posting a link to the WORD document so any Lizard that wants the complete essay in one full piece may download it.