
BP Covering Up Spill's Effects?

Mad Prophet Ludwig6/02/2010 2:39:58 pm PDT

re: #240 ryannon

It’s actually homeopathic.

I would love to comment on homeopathy.

If you look at teh dilutions that are standard in homeopathic “medicine” you can quickly calculate that there is no medicine in the medicine. There are a finite number of molecules in any sample, if you mix a 1/1000 solution, take a tenth of that and mix into DI water and repeat that process 50 times - which is exactly what the homeopaths do, you will find that it almost statistically impossible for there to be anything bu water left in the diluted samples.

There were on order 10 to the 20 molecules of medicine in the original pure sample and you are diluting by 10 to the 50 times. Molecules do not divide in this process.

Homeopathy is pure bunk. You will here anecdotal accounts of people swearing by it. The reason that you hear such things is that placebos do have an effect.