
O'Keefe's Creepy Plan Detailed

boredtechindenver9/30/2010 1:24:14 am PDT

Actually, I think we are going to tell them that they have to cover the cost of the sewer and the furnace, and the CO detectors in the offer we made. Those are the major items. Pre inspection, we already agreed that they would rehang some doors, install a hood over the cooktop, and remove a fence section that does nothing but get in the way of any deck we build.

The earnest money is dependant on the inspection, and the sewer line is enough to cancel them keeping it if they choose not to fix.

I wish SWMBO had like the same house I did. The price is between the two, and truthfully, it was the only house i felt right at home when I walked onto the property. It had a huge well kept lawn, and even though I hate mowing, I would buy it in a heart beat. It was an instant reaction that I can’t explain, and fiscally, it is the lowest priced house in the highest end neighborhood we saw.