
James O'Keefe Goes After Another Right Wing Target: NPR

Buck3/08/2011 12:26:16 pm PST

re: #242 jamesfirecat

If he meant it in a passive sense then he might be right ONLY IN THE SENSE THAT as long as Israel exists it gives the Middle Eastern dictators a target to turn their populations rage against instead of having that hatred directed against them because of what a shitty job they’re doing leading their countries and looking after their people…

Look, you can agree with him that the existence of Israel and the democracy there is a stumbling block to the spread of democracy. You can blame the Israel lobby groups and say they are causing the USA to fail to act in it’s own interest. As it was outlined and echoed at Media Matters.

I see it as a shining beacon of democracy. And I see the people who lobby for Israels interest as representative of a great number of americans (jewish and not).