
Craziest Fundamentalist Republican Wins Iowa Straw Poll

Gus8/13/2011 9:09:57 pm PDT

Let’s see. Welcome to San Francisco/Bay Area.

Salary: $9.92 (San Francisco Minimum Wage)
Total yearly income: $20,653
After taxes: $17,538.56

Rent: East Oakland (high crime location) -$9,000 1BR
Food: -$3,120
Muni Fast Pass: -$864
Health Insurance: -$4,800
Clothing: -$1,200
Household Items: -$1,200
Laundry: -$520

Oops. Too late. I’m already in the red at -$3,165.44.

And I didn’t include phone, electricity, gas, garbage (yes they charge for that sometimes around here), water, internet, etc.