
The Chairman of the RNC Is Now Indistinguishable From Breitbart "News"

Killgore Trout7/13/2014 8:16:48 pm PDT

Boko Haram mocks plea to free 200 Nigerian schoolgirls and pledges support for Iraqi jihadists in new video

The video served as a direct snub to Malala Yousafzai, the Pakistani schoolgirl and women’s rights campaigner who arrived in Nigerian capital, Abuja, over the weekend to voice support for the #BringBackOurGirls campaign.

In briefings with The Daily Telegraph over the weekend, Western diplomats said that, despite international publicity, the efforts to find the hostages were little further on than they were in May, when Britain, America and France began to help. With neither a prisoner swap or a rescue considered likely, there was little real prospect of any “breakthrough” in the foreseeable future, they said.