
Video: Louie "Terror Babies" Gohmert Jumps Out and Yells About "Radical Islam"

Franklin6/23/2016 6:02:16 am PDT

re: #152 Donnie With The Good Hair (AKA Sophist)

What, you mean bills being sent to the floor and being voted up or down might become a daily occurance? In a legislature?! Heaven forefend!

Just got caught up on the overnight, this was well done.

And for fucks sake DF: bills are introduced as legislation, they are debated, they are amended and the are voted on. At least that is how I was taught by school house rock.

If there is something in the bill as written that is unconstitutional, then amend, or vote against it. But don’t sit on your lazy ass and do nothing. NOTHING is no longer acceptable.

Doing something is the absolute least they can do.