
Thursday Night Blues: Joe Bonamassa, "Blues of Desperation"

lawhawk8/05/2016 8:07:50 am PDT

You want to talk conspiracies? Let’s talk conspiracies. Let’s talk about how the GOP and right wingers are trying to figure out a way to remove Trump from the nomination, hold another convention, or otherwise subvert the votes cast by millions of Republicans.

This is where the GOP is right now. Their own elected leaders that have spurred all manner of racist, bigoted, ignorant BS are shocked to discover the nominee is a racist bigot who mirrors the party’s views all too clearly. And now the party is “shocked” that the nation is horrified at this?

Well, not the nation exactly, but everyone who isn’t a Republican.

Republicans are too busy trying to game their way out of the mess of their own creation by trying to couch their support for the top of the ticket without saying Trump’s name. That’s even as most of these Republicans support Trump’s agenda, but would wish that he were only a little more subtle with it.

This isn’t an agenda based on economic insecurity or unemployment or job growth. Those issues have largely been nullified because the economy is doing pretty well considering the nonstop GOP obstructionism.

The GOP agenda is one based on preserving the status quo for angry whites (and particularly older white angry men). That’s why they keep fighting to stop minorities from voting, SSM, LGBT rights, etc. Expanding and protecting the rights of these groups somehow is seen is depriving the angry white rights.

This is where the GOP is now.

It is the party of nativists.
It is the party of white supremacists and the bigot brigade. Trump’s ascendancy enabled all the bigots to let their freak flags fly (especially the flag of the insurrectionist Confederacy).