
Brand New Video: Stephen Colbert Predicts Republican Tactics if Dr. Blasey Ford Testifies Next Week

Dangerman9/21/2018 9:00:34 am PDT

re: #244 Targetpractice

Precisely. This is a man who has enjoyed some measure of protection through his adult life, whether it was an assistant DA mom, a college that is deeply protective of its reputation, a boss that was feeling up clerks in his chambers and keeping it quiet, or political patrons who now want to put him atop the highest court in the land.

If he’s a good man with a clean record, then he should be the first pushing for the matter to be cleared up, not in total denial while his patrons do the heavy lifting of destroying his accuser.

double precisely

(again assuming it’s true)
he has never been called to account for this particular event
that she never reported it was his good luck - her ‘choice’, his benefit
he’s being called to account now - no, not necessarily ‘legally’
to address: this never happened, she’s a liar. or it did. (i dont care about his excuses or explanations)

whether or not he was a model citizen the day after that day and up through today is an entirely separate issue
which apparently he may not have been anyway