
Slideshow: April 15, 2010 Tea Party

Walter L. Newton4/15/2010 3:01:42 pm PDT

re: #207 SteveB4

Would you not agree that spending has increased dramatically? The more the gov spends, the angrier people will be…particularly if it means raising taxes and/or cutting benefits.

And that’s a problem? After almost 6 years of trying to find full time employment in my career as a programmer, at the age of 57, I’ve started a new career with a large supermarket chain. But it’s only a part time job, no benefits for a year, and I am certainly looking forward to people with money to help pay for my health care in the near future.

I use to make 120,000 a year, and had no problem paying taxes and giving about 10,000 of that a year to charity (and not claiming it).

Now I’m in trouble and there doesn’t appear to be any “silver lining” on the horizon.

I’m hoping that spending increases as much as necessary to take care of people like me.