
Overnight Open Thread

Locker4/30/2010 7:17:11 am PDT

re: #253 McSpiff

My college system assumes that your internal ID is your SS (well, SIN in Canada…) except that they legally didn’t have a right to it since I was not receiving any financial aid. So mine is 999 999 998…which is fine, except the province started offering bursaries to all students. So now I have a bunch income statements that list my SIN as 999 999 998…total pain in the ass to get straightened out. This is what I get for valuing my privacy.

Some states down here used to do that for your DL number but now a days in the US your SSN has special protection. For example in the State of CA, even if you work for an agency that needs your SSN (DMV for example) they still have to restrict it internally on a need to know basis.

Additionally you can’t display it on anything.