
Assange Arrest Imminent

elizajane12/02/2010 8:59:21 pm PST

Sorry to move from the sublime to the ridiculous, but Bristol Palin’s up on Facebook slamming Olbermann for being mean about her:

This family is congenitally incapable of letting criticism roll off their backs. They cannot exist in the public sphere as it is constituted today, for better or worse: they treat the entire political process like a slagging match at highschool. I mean, can you even begin to imagine Michelle Obama writing snarky Facebook posts about all the really vile, racist things people say about her constantly? Can you even imagine her thinking about them?

People on the right got all faux-offended when Obama said he didn’t think about Sarah Palin. Did they think he should be, oh, posting long comments about her on Facebook?
