
Deniers' Review Supports Scientific Consensus on Global Warming - Right Wing Sad

WINDUPBIRD DISEASE [S.K.U.M.M.]4/04/2011 2:52:53 pm PDT

re: #243 McSpiff

I’ve worked at two call centers before. They seemed to be truly horribly run places. I thought management didn’t have a clue. After reading over a case study from the management program at my university, I discover that what I thought was incompetence was actually intentionally orchestrated. The material and call flow was designed such that an employee who had been there for 5 months would know as much as an employee who had been there for 5 years.

Turns out a high turn over rate in employees was the goal. As long as they recouped the cost of recruitment and training, and you quit before they had to give you any raises, you were a net positive for the company.

The document just went on and on detailing why the soul-sucking practises I had seen were ideal for the company. Really turned me off “Corporate management” practises.

I would WAY rather have stayed in my group home job changing adult diapers than work at a call center. Sounds like Dante’s fucking Inferno o_o