
Wingnuts Raging at Obama Speech (Of Course)

OhCrapIHaveACrushOnSarahPalin9/09/2011 11:55:22 am PDT

re: #237 SanFranciscoZionist

You saw some of it on the signs at the anti-war rallies as well.

My favorite San Francisco artifact from those years though was the three photos in a row—Bush, Schwartzenegger and Gavin Newsom—and the caption was “Compassionate Conservatives”.

Lol “care not cash”, blah.

Personally I did not see those particular signs there, because I stopped going to the shyt, early on. But I have no doubt whatsoever they were there. By 2004, a lot of those types had gone troother/anybody but bush/AJ. Dupes.