
The Bob & Chez Show: Caleefonya

SteveMcGriftFlynnComey... ...corruptemoligate RN6/08/2016 1:57:27 pm PDT

re: #221 Shiplord Kirel

I remember that America very well. It was an America of the 50’s when Trump was growing up, and so were you and so was Bernie. Did you forget?

It was a time…

When Americans had pride about themselves, and dressed nice to go out in public.

Don’t remember that.

When you could leave your front doors unlocked if you wanted to and not worry about it.

You still can. Crime rates are down.

When children in school learned about the history of our country and proud to say the pledge of allegiance each morning.

They still learn about our history and the were always forced to say the pledge.

When people immigrated here legally and proud the day they became citizens of our country.

They’re still proud to become citizens. It’s the right wingers who aren’t proud.

When marriage was between a man and a woman.

Whether they liked it or not.

When the word gay meant happy and a joint was a bad place to be.

Don’t remember a time like that.

When socialism was a dirty word and free enterprise meant, thinking and growing rich through an idea and hard work.

Socialism is still a dirty word and an idea and hard work will still get you rich.

When a buck was still silver.

What’s so great about that? A buck is/was a buck.

When a girl could still cook, and still would.

Again, what’s so great about that? Women can do so much more now than then.

When ghettos were neighborhoods with sidewalks where people mingled on warm summer nights.

People never stopped mingling on warm summer nights. Look around.

When the American Flag was a respected symbol and never burned.

It’s still a respected symbol. Nobody bothers to burn Russian flags.

When criminals actually went to jail.

Everybody goes to jail, whether they’re criminals or not.

When you were not afraid to go out at night.

Not that many people cowering in their houses. See above. Look around.

When television was free.

It still is.