
Trump Horror, Day 14: Creationist Religious Fanatic to Head Education Dept., Trump Will Kill Dodd-Frank Rules

lawhawk2/03/2017 1:31:39 pm PST

Right hand doesn’t know what left hand is saying. Lying and obfuscating continues apace.

See the latest news re: number of visas revoked:

Up to 60,000 foreigners from seven majority-Muslim countries had their visas canceled after President Donald Trump’s executive order blocked them from traveling to the U.S., the State Department said Friday.

That figure contradicts a Justice Department lawyer’s statement Friday during a court hearing in Virginia about the ban. The lawyer in that case said that about 100,000 visas had been revoked.

The State Department clarified that the higher figure includes diplomatic and other visas that were actually exempted from the travel ban, as well as expired visas.

Trump’s order, issued last Friday, temporarily bans travel for people from Iran, Iraq, Syria, Sudan, Somalia, Libya and Yemen. It also temporarily halts the U.S. refugee program.

60,000 or 100,000? Which is it. And what is their status if they’re currently in the US. Visa getting revoked would make those people deportable IMO. And that’s entirely the point of the Bannon/Trump policy: to get rid of Muslims from the US.