
New From Seth Meyers: Trump and the GOP Are Trying to Destroy the Post Office

Shropshire Slasher8/18/2020 8:59:38 am PDT

re: #260 dangerman

in general it’s a question of how the gator winds up wherever it’s finally discovered
ie a lake or sump that’s got no inflow or outflow
it’s not gonna walk the streets (or get very far if it did)
so there likely has to be a flowing waterway nearby - a canal likely
and it still has to decide to leave the water and cross lawns, then maybe roads, etc.
and that’s before fences and other obstructions come into play

plus, in our case, i dont think the birds are gonna pass on our location to the reptile population. they’ve got an exclusive right now.

i dont know how the brain of a gator works. im just guessing one wouldnt leave the relative comfort of a water environment and go looking for a backyard unstocked pond

See ya!