
Trevor Noah on the Impressive Amount of Bullsh*t in Mike Pence's RNC Speech

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷8/28/2020 3:32:01 pm PDT

re: #225 A hollow Gandalfian voice says, VOTE, you fools!

Please be so good as to extract the part of that twitter thread where she says trans women are not women and highlight it for me.

She leans on the logical fallacy of appeal to authority. “Here’s two papers by two noteworthy psychiatrists (she says they’re noteworthy so it must be so) saying gender identity is fixed and the NHS are engaging in an “experiment” (gender-affirming surgery is not an experiment) which will have horrible ramifications for the future (think of the children argument).

The first Cambridge psychiatrist she cites calls gender identity a “political agenda” in the paper.

The second Cambridge paper asserts now that gender dysphoria is no longer classified as a mental illness, yet there are plenty of “mental illness comorbitities” involved in gender dysphoria. That second writer also asserts directly in the paper the Heritage Foundation term “gender critical theory” as applied to the paper. That paper also conflates it with the term “conversion therapy” (the claim you can change Teh Geyh).

Famous person who is not a doctor JK Rowling is counting on people to consider her opinion as famous person and not a doctor, while citing two cranks publishing non-peer-reviewed opinion pieces written like they are serious papers, on an open-access blog for Cambridge.

She’s using those two papers to say, “See, I’m not saying there’s no such thing as transwomen or men, these two very serious psychiatrists are.”

She’s counting on people not looking at the papers, or understanding what they wrote was opinion pieces on a blog, not scientific studies. That gives her plausible deniability.

She lied by omission.

This is why it takes an order of magnitude of information to debunk bulkshyte from disingenuous people like JK Rowling.