
Seth Meyers: Biden Gets to Work Undoing Trump's Damage, Republicans Predictably Freak Out

Captain Magic1/22/2021 2:16:03 pm PST

Had an interesting phone call today from my cell provider (T-Mobile). The call originated from one of the 3 stores within a two mile radius from each other (one was an old Sprint Store, the first store up in my area is a franchise.)

Anyway, the guy wanted to reach out to me and thank me for being one of the very long-term customer in their area (13 years, but T-Mobile didn’t officially roll out up here until 3-4 years ago) and wanted to make me aware of some of the new services they provided. I kindly informed the salescritter that I’m using their femtocell because their signal strength isn’t the best out my (and to be fair, same goes for Verizon and AT&T.)

When he mentioned about their internet and TV service, I told him that being a remote worker I can easily blow through a terabyte a day, and that, as far as high-speed internet goes, Spectrum hasn’t been all that bad.

Just for giggles I checked my LTE logger to see if I ever hit Band 71 (LTE/5G, 600 MHz) and saw few (if any) connections. Now when the fully integrate Sprint’s midband network, things may change.

Still, I was pleasantly surprised that a company like T-Mobile reached out and wanted to know how satisfied and could they do something for me.