
MTG and House Republicans Humiliated as Mayorkas Impeachment Crashes and Burns: A Closer Look

Joe Bacon ✅2/08/2024 9:39:33 am PST

Oh it’s time for one of Cheech & Chong’s Cruise Chews…

Tulsi Gabbard says she’s ‘open’ to being Trump’s VP

During an appearance on Fox News this Wednesday, Tulsi Gabbard said she’d be “open” to being Donald Trump’s 2024 running mate.

“I’d be open to that conversation,” Gabbard said on Fox & Friends. “My mission in life is to serve our country and serve the American people and find the best way to be able to do that.”

Gabbard was asked to respond to a comment from economist Stephen Moore, who said that many Trump supporters want Gabbard as Trump’s vice president.