
Video: Skeptic vs. Creationist

Salamantis2/26/2009 6:54:04 pm PST

re: #131 Right Brain

She nails him time and time again, his argument (and his annoying habit of using the word “think” in an interrogative (What High School do you think you went to?)) is that most people once believe in creationism, but now most people believe in evolution so it must be right. OK, so then most people were wrong but now most people are right?

She hoisted herself on her own rhetorical petards so many times that she must have a permanent wedgie. And yes, with the advancement of scientific knowledge, theories that more closely comport with observed reality blossom while those that don’t do so decline.

Further if he is correct that the earth is 4.5 Billion years old then the onus is on him to explain why we cannot find life on other planets, and we have been looking with our radio-telescopes for decades and finding nothing. Given that much time how is it possible that this chemical reaction happened only once?