
Obama Aide Denies Barack Bowed to Saudi King

SixDegrees4/08/2009 3:15:04 pm PDT
Expect this news to launch a round of screaming that Barack Obama is lying

Can we please start focusing on issues instead of fluff? This Administration has proposed a budget which

the Federal deficit this year, with the claim that next year it will “cut the deficit in half.” These gargantuan deficits grow larger and larger and larger in each of the next ten years, no matter whose projections you look at. Projected deficits over the next eight years will exceed the total of all the deficits the United States has ever run, combined. The percentage of the Federal Budget relative to GNP is projected to surge from around 8% to over 15% over the same period.

This is madness. It must be stopped. Quite quibbling over trivia like his cheap suit and hallucinations over whether he bowed or not. It isn’t worth it, it won’t ever gain any traction except amongst those already rabidly opposed to Obama in the first place, and in the end it just won’t accomplish anything useful except making Glenn Beck look like a calm, thoughtful and rational thinker.