
The Red Museum

blangwort5/19/2009 2:57:46 pm PDT

I’m going to part ways with most of you lizards.

This has nothing to do with whether or not we torture potential intelligence targets. This has to do with why we went in to Iraq.

If we torture or even threaten a prisoner captured by the military, no matter who it is, we’re no better than the thugs who ran Iraq. Saying dumb stuff like That’s not Torture, THIS is torture evades the question. If we’re not truly bringing a better way of life to them or removing them as a threat to us, then what are we doing?

We must show them that their ways are wrong. We must show them that our ways work. We need to win their hearts and minds, or all this will be for nothing.

I supported the Iraq war. I thought it was the right thing to do and I still do. Don’t prove me wrong by diminishing what happened in Abu Ghreb.