
North Korea Threatens War with South

RalphShort5/27/2009 7:16:49 am PDT

Re:Flyers1974 #257

I would agree some or even most of the details are different. However, the fact is it is quickly approaching an out of control situation. WW1 had different circumstances that started it but the end result was the same, millions of people dead. To me, the proliferation of nuclear weapons is the most serious problem on the planet, bar none. Rogue states like North Korea, Iran and others in possession of these weapons is an accident waiting to happen. Again, the details of how we got there may not be the same but the result is the same, a greater potential for a conflagration, accidental or deliberate.

I don’t pretend to know what the answer is to stopping this but there are two things I believe can be eliminated 1) bribing these states and 2) counting on the U.N. to solve it.

Maybe we need a new “czar”, I think that would make an even dozen in D.C. The idea here is the “non proliferation czar” can run around the world “empathizing” with KJ, the mullahs in Iran and other borderline states attempting to build or use nuclear weapons. Maybe a “pity party” will change their minds.