
New Details on Kissinger and Operation Condor

researchok4/12/2010 2:34:31 pm PDT

re: #261 wozzablog

I have the highest regard for the economist on the whole and
I generally agree with their content - but that’s a “leader” piece, and i disagree with their assertion that the USA had nothing to do with Pinochet after the coup.

Also worth pointing out the economist is a center right publication - and almost universally opinions on the issue of Chile - as facts are often murky - go with political prejudice left or right.

the argument i was engaging above was that the Pinochet takeover and subsequent support from the USA was wrongheaded - mass killings and disapearences are not *better* because they are done by a favored side.

Good post.

I’ve said all along I agree that the Pinochet takeover was an disaster. My point is that Allende wasn’t the benign leader he was made out to be post facto.

Pinochet was a horror show, to be sure, but Allende had set up the institutions he used. Given the chance, there is no doubt he would have been the same killer as Pinochet.