
Video: Anti-Mosque Mob Turns On Black Union Carpenter

Aceofwhat?8/22/2010 5:49:35 pm PDT

re: #229 captdiggs

I’m not the one who said it wasn’t a mosque.
Those who are saying that are the ones who undercut the entire Constitutional issue.
They can’t have it both ways.

it’s not entirely a mosque. part of it is slated to be a mosque.

so…yeah. they can have it both ways. and don’t we want them to? if more mosques had community centers, maybe we wouldn’t be such a bunch of paranoid asshats.

mosques which preach the sort of hate and anger we ought to fear are going to preach it, and we should point them out. mosques which aren’t spreading that crappy message ought to be celebrated, especially if they include community-outreach activities.

a church with a playground is better than a church with no playground. same with a mosque.