
Pro-Walker Bus Tour Ends with a Whimper

RogueOne3/07/2011 4:37:15 am PST

I find this amusing:

White House lavishes praise on Huntsman’s support for Obama

Chief of Staff Bill Daley on Sunday heaped praise on Huntsman (R), Obama’s ambassador to China who is resigning his post and is said to be mulling a challenge to his boss for the presidency.

“He’s done an excellent job on behalf of the Obama administration,” Daley said on NBC’s “Meet the Press,” where he was barely able to suppress a smile as he spoke.

Then Daley went into overdrive. “[Huntsman’s] support of the Obama administration, his support of the president, the things he did on behalf of the administration, and the closeness in which he worked with the president is most appreciated. And I’m sure he’ll talk about that in the Republican primary.”

I’m sure he will. That will make a very effective campaign commercial during the primaries.