
Video: Triumph the Insult Comic Dog Visits Occupy Wall Street

Guanxi8811/04/2011 6:04:34 pm PDT

re: #256 ProLifeLiberal

No, I think we’d do fine without you.

You’d lose bases, subsidies, the space program, a whole lot of stuff.

You see, for hating the government so much, many of those precious jobs of yours come from the Feds.

I wish the Feds would pull all offices out of Texas. SInce they hate the Feds so much, they won’t miss those jobs.

There’s a Culture War in the US, and your state is on the wrong side of it, so I’ll probably be the nastiest against your little hovel.

re: #249 Guanxi88

I’ve heard the exact opposite elsewhere. In my opinion, Conservatives cannot educate, only indoctrinate.

Enjoy your cold, dark superiority. No oil or natural gas for you.