
Arizona's White Nationalist Senate President Russell Pearce Gets the Boot

Obdicut (Now with 2% less brain)11/09/2011 5:54:11 am PST

re: #259 Fat Bastard Vegetarian

So, for the current world we live in, your solution is?

“Go back in time and find an alternative to where were are” is not an acceptable answer.

Focus on sustainable industry, sustainable energy. Spend like crazy to get there. Enact severe Pigovian taxes on the fossil fuel companies to help pay for it. Accept, societally, that we have to get out of the ‘buy it, use it up, throw it away’ mentality and have to accept a temporary lower standard of living while we transfer from a wasteful, resource-burning industry to a sustainable one. It is goddamn obvious, and has been forever, that we can’t continue to do things that simply use up resources. Nothing is going to last forever. Sustainability has always, always been the only possible path open to us if we want to survive as a civilization and a species.

This is one of the main reasons I’m unhappy with the Ocucpy people. They’re saying “We’re not getting a big enough piece of the pie”. I’m saying “The way we make the pie is fucking insanely suicidal and we need to change it”. I hope that this movement could lead to an acceptance of the need for sustainability, but I don’t see it.