
Vladimir Putin Lectures the US on Morality in the New York Times, Greenwald Co-Signs

Dark_Falcon9/12/2013 4:16:05 am PDT

re: #265 A Mom Anon

I seriously never thought I’d live to see a day where the same people who lauded St. Ronald of Reagan as THE sole reason the Soviet Union fell to be the same people who are now falling all over themselves to worship Putin’s manliness. I know these fuckers are out of their minds with hate, but holy shit. Holy. Shit. Ex-KGB agent,now the leader of Russia, crushes descent of any kind, throws in with the Russian Orthodox Church who are now using the same tactics once used against them, creating an even bigger oligarchy than the one that existed when The Sainted One was President of the US, this is their fucking hero now. A guy who uses polonium to poison journalists? Who has no problem murdering his own citizens?A guy who thinks it’s ok to jail and punish the LGBT community? (ok, this they probably love-which makes GG’s support of him vomit inducing)

Hate causes mental illness and aggravates it, this should be a freaking case study for the medical journals. I suppose a possible bright spot in all this is that it could thin the crazy herd a little bit more. I’m going to ask my wingnut family members how they like this shit. I’ll probably be off even more Christmas card lists after that. Good. Fuck these people.

Also, this scares the fuck out of me.

Those willing to laud Putin hate Obama so much they are now willing to spit on Ronald Reagan’s grave just to get their hate fix. The degeneration of a junkie is just pathetic to watch.