
Sarah Palin Poetry Slam of the Day

Orange Impostor2/06/2015 7:02:06 am PST

re: #246 Varek Raith


Yet another anti-vaxxer who has absolutely no sense about the history of immunology, and how bad disease epidemics were before the widespread availability of vaccines.

Let’s just talk about Rubella, one of the targets of the anti-vaxx crowd.
Between 1962 and 1965 there were over 12.5 million diagnosed cases of the disease, which has no cure - only treatment of symptoms is available. Hundreds of thousands of cases of blindness, deafness, brain damage and death resulted from this.
After the development of the MMR vaccine in 1969, that number dropped to under 100,000 worldwide in 2012, with many nations reporting as being now totally free of the disease.