
Jon Stewart to the Media: It's Time to Get Your Groove Back

Targetpractice3/02/2017 8:36:12 am PST

One of the funnier aspects of this whole scandal for the GOP is they could have simply avoided it by not politicizing Hillary’s emails. But politicize it they did, because it was their only real hope of winning last year. And one of the biggest points in the whole sorry affair was their demands that Lynch recuse herself, if not resign her office, over a conversation she had with Bill. She didn’t lie that she met with him, most certainly didn’t do so under oath, and the spun her refusal to pursue criminal charges even after Comey said none were warranted as covering for Hillary. Not that that will stop them from twisting themselves into pretzels to argue that Sessions’ actions are “different,” but it will only make their hypocrisy more evident.