
Trump Administration Makes Refugees Pay "Full Fare" to Be Evacuated From Puerto Rico

KGxvi9/28/2017 2:13:35 pm PDT

re: #253 klys (maker of Silmarils)

Geography plays a huge role, both in average/median income and in cost of living as well.

I’ve written before about the fuzziness of the upper-middle class boundary and where that gets drawn and I think this goes back to a lot of it. I doubt it’s a conversation we’re going to have though, so I’m mostly not bothering right now.

It’s incredibly complicated, and what passes for upper-middle class in one place can be rich in another, and can be poor somewhere else. Even within a state, in California the median family income in Lake County is about $48k, that’s the lowest in the state. So, if you lived in Lake County and made, say $65k, you’d be doing very well… but that’d be just barely above the median family income in LA County (and about $20k below the median family income in Orange County). I’m really curious as to whether we’ve ever had such sharp differences, geographically, in income. It strikes me as a central issue that we have no real idea how to address.