
And Now, Some Intergalactic Stunt Guitar: Steve Vai, "Bad Horsie" Live From the Harmony Hut

makeitstop5/09/2020 8:38:17 am PDT

re: #264 LeftyRambles2413 (HappyWarrior)

All joking aside, can you imagine having seen them before they got big? The closest story I got to that is my old man seeing The Eagles in Aspen at a dive there and talking to Henley after the show.

Old Man Music Industry story incoming…

Around 1979 sometime, the band I was in did a showcase for Mercury Records at a long-gone club called Great Gildersleeves in Lower Manhattan. We were rehearsed up and ready to go. The opening act that night was a band called Blue Angel, and at the end of the night we got encouraging words from Mercury’s A&R guy, but the opening band got signed on the strength of their lead singer.

The singer’s name was Cyndi Lauper, and even then she was great.