
Spencer Changes Story, But Still Defends Pro Koln - Update: Pro Koln Organizers Say Spencer and Geller Confirmed in Writing

Athos4/26/2009 4:10:49 pm PDT

re: #265 Irish Rose

Thank you, Irish Rose.

I’ve read the latest post on your blog. I’m sorry to say, as an ‘old-timer’ on LGF, I knew some of those from ‘2’ who attack you and Charles. They no longer have my respect. They have crossed all lines from respectful disagreement to an unhealthy obsession fueled by ego and an inability to separate ego from argument. Attacking you and your son for your son’s service is beyond acceptable. It demonstrates the levels of hate and bankruptcy that motivate these cretins. One should gain reinforcement for their positions and viewpoints based on the lack of qualities demonstrated by those who attack them.

This isn’t an echo chamber….but those who have a weakened ego or lack the manners to respectfully disagree are also the ones who have lost the ability to influence and cogently debate.