
AJ Strata Takes a Stand Against Robert Stacy McCain

Bagua10/21/2009 6:54:09 pm PDT

re: #266 ludwigvanquixote

And I do stand behind the diagnosis of your passive aggressive snarky behavior.

That comment is irrelevant, just you pretending to understand psychology, yet another field you imagine expertise. The insults you made were more in the line of “Asshole, Idiot, liar, little shit”, that sort of thing you consider acceptable discourse. But here again is your normal MO, rephrase everything to read like you only ever were making an innocent comment. I do realise that you are unable to grasp this and that you have let these egregious insults stand. Quite typical of a Malignant Narcissists to play your little game.

As far as the point you were making, if you could take the time to ponder your own words you will find that you articulated a point I have made repeatedly, that when I make a limited and clearly stated criticism, instead of dealing with that you instead launch into an extended essay listing all the things you imagined, incorrectly, that I was alluding to. Thus you are always arguing with the straw Bagua, not I. Once you have calmed down, you often do realize that I was in fact not disputing something I never mentioned. By that time you have launched into a froth of fury and red herrings which is your default behaviour.

This same pattern repeats with other posters as well, as several others have noted.

As far as calling you Beck, that is actually entirely accurate as a personality type. You both are fascinated with yourselves, preen, brag, slander, berate, get worked up into frothy anger and wallow in claims of victimization. You also are both convinced that you are saving the world in your heroic struggles. Different politics to be sure, but very similar personality types.