
The GOP's War on Climate Science

Killgore Trout10/08/2010 2:37:15 pm PDT

re: #254 freetoken

Back on the topic…

This whole “war on science” I now look at as being part of the entire anti-modernism movement, a rejection of life today in hopes/wishes/fantasies for a “simpler” life that is thought to have existed at an earlier time.

I think that’s exactly what it is. We’re seeing the same mentality pop up in various elements of conservative thought. Even in yesterday’s thread about about the fire fighters….

In this case, critics of the fire department are confused both about right and wrong and about Christianity. And it is because they have fallen prey to a weakened, feminized version of Christianity that is only about softer virtues such as compassion and not in any part about the muscular Christian virtues of individual responsibility and accountability.

They want to undo modern Christianity too.
The Tea Parties want to undo 150 years of Constitutional law and civil rights legislation.
Beck and Barton want to undo history and replace it with their own version.

Conservatives are really embracing their regressive tendencies.