
Florida Mayoral Candidate 'Jokes' About Bombing Abortion Clinics

researchok2/24/2011 1:52:38 pm PST

re: #259 Talking Point Detective

I feel a bit differently about Farrakhan, as I do about someone like Pat Robertson: they do have a significant impact on issues.

Honestly, my immediate reaction is that the reaction to Farrakhan is more disproportionate than the reaction to Robertson. Clearly, Robertson influences exponentially more people - but I need to think more whether my viewpoint there is colored by my political orientation.

Fair enough.

Funny thing is, I used to be more tolerant about these things.

A years of LGF and I find myself less tolerant of any kind of bigotry, from the right or the left.

There isn’t a single example of really bad acts that have not been preceded by really bad rhetoric.