
New York Times Paywall Epic Fail

prairiefire3/23/2011 8:53:49 pm PDT

re: #260 HappyWarrior

I’d like to read the novels now. I am not a huge novel reader but American literature from 1900-right before the stock market crashed is something I’ve always liked. There’s something about that era that appeals to me. I guess it’s because it’s the era that my mom’s grandparents emigrated here and started Americanizing and it’s also around when my dad’s parents came of age so I think of them when reading lit from that era and think about all the profound changes in the world that were happening then.

So, of course, lots of F. Scott Fitzgerald. Some of the comics are good -Richard Benchly. I’ll think of more. Oy, I’m falling asleep. Night, lizards.