
Video: Republicans Call for Raising the Debt Ceiling (In 2004)

TampaKnight7/31/2011 4:06:26 pm PDT

re: #262 Obdicut

Then why not try to have an actual discussion?

Obama’s speech on the debt ceiling came after the Bush tax cuts had enormously added to the deficit. That is the main thing that he was pointing out as a failure of leadership— the direct things that led to that debt ceiling raise. Without the Bush tax cuts, our deficit would be so much smaller than it is today.

Furthermore, Obama did not filibuster the debt ceiling raise.

Furthermore, he did not attempt to get anything attached to the debt ceiling in order to have it voted forwards. There was none of the current blackmail. There as the symbolic ‘no’ vote on a bill that was going to pass.

Can you explain why you find it comparable?

Yes, I understand that he, and you, view it as a symbolic vote. And I would debate you on that deficit contribution factor of the tax cuts, but for another day.

My point, which I’ve put bluntly, is that that entire argument is absolutely weak. Even if you think you’re taking a purely symbolic position, you better understand that your words and your vote still carry importance, and as Obama sees today, consequences in the future.

He also completely skipped the debt ceiling votes in 2007 and 2008.