
Tom Waits on the Fallon Show: Raised Right Men

Killgore Trout7/12/2012 7:28:48 am PDT

re: #247 Gus

Yep. So all this time when he was using the excuse that he had already left Bain was a lie. Tack on 3 years to his tenure.

It’s old news and I doubt this is going to change any of the fact checker’s ratings.
The Obama campaign’s suspect claim about Romney’s role in store closings

The problem is that Romney did not legally extricate himself from Bain Capital until shortly before his Olympic tenure ended. (A 2002 Boston Globe article said he retained a key financial interest until August of 2001.) So a 2002 statement he filed with the Massachusetts State Ethics Commission on his financial interests lists ownership of various Bain entities, some of which appear to intersect with the funds that invested in KB Toys.

The document says that Romney is “a passive, limited partner [with] no management capacity” in many of these funds, and so it appears he certainly profited from the KB Toys transaction. But the controversial payout took place in 2002, after he formally left Bain.

So the 2003 tax filing would have been for the 2002 fiscal year. This is nothing we already didn’t know.