
Tim Cook: 'Religious Freedom' Laws Are Discriminatory and Dangerous

Birth Control Works3/30/2015 9:46:48 am PDT

Hey all!

Back home from NOLA. Man-o-Man, it is a different place in the early Spring. Much, much better than the Summer! A person can actually be outside.

It seems as though a little money has been spent since last summer. Less grunge, but there are still some building going feral in the Quarter.

Went to the WWII Museum complex and saw Tom Hanks supposed 4D movie.

Beyond All Boundaries Trailer
I really didn’t understand the 4D part. Some props appeared and disappeared in normal theatre fashion, the seats shook when appropriate and the dropping of the atom bomb was rather dramatic. I guess it gave the young ‘uns a feel for what it was like.

Not a whole lot they can present in a one hour experience. There was a busload load of High Schoolers. When it was over, I didn’t get the impression they were affected.

I see Tammy Duckworth is running for the Senate. She’ll get it and we need here there.

How are you?