
Seth Meyers Continues Bringing It: Trump Attacks the Press, Goes All-in for Roy Moore

BlueSpotinAL ✅12/12/2017 8:50:38 am PST

re: #260 John Carter

Interesting, so how does that affect my interpretation? Was that lyric sarcastic followed by “boo-hoo-hoo”?

In other words, they definitely didn’t “Love the governor”. That song is interesting and in the words of Inigo Montoya it may not mean what everyone thinks it means. Could be wishful thinking on my part.

It would not be the first time art and literature was misremembered or co-opted.

Lolita comes to mind. Lolita was not a temptress and was clearly a victim. Humbert was not corrupted by her and was a practically a self affirmed predator. But how does society remember that story? Who got painted as the villain in pop culture?

Same thing with Uncle Tom imo but I don’t want to make this post too long.

One member of Lynrd Skynyrd was interviewed about this, he made it clear that you are right overall, I was just pointing out that the particular line about Birmingham was ironic, and how Wallace treated the areas that did not vote for him. And I also think they claimed to say Boo-Boo-Boo, which is quite different from Boo-Hoo-Hoo!