
Amazing Quality Video: The Who, Live in the Studio - "Who Are You"

lawhawk10/21/2019 10:23:21 am PDT

Unfu…. nope. Totally fucking believable and exactly what I expected. Trump is the reactionary/regressive know nothing he’s always been, and those who worked in Trumpworld and enabled his bulkshit and didn’t call him out for it are complicit.

Mattis should have spoken up but didn’t.

Tillerson should have spoken up but didn’t.

Everyone who had an opportunity to speak out to Trump’s abject lack of fitness to be anywhere near the WH is apalling and speaks to everyone being a sycophant and suckup who decided to tell Trump what he wanted to hear, rather than what he needed to hear day in and day out.

They all made us less safe. That’s the bottom line.

None of these fuckers like Mattis should ever be in a position of power again. Ever.