
Zefrank's True Facts: The Hummingbird Warrior

Nerdy Fish4/18/2022 10:40:54 am PDT

re: #265 The Pie Overlord!

It’s snowing! Not common for the 3rd week of April but it still happens in Michigan. My grandkids (from Florida) are losing their minds!

I checked the weather report & it is supposed to pile up to 3 inches.

The only month where there has not been a measurable snowfall in the State of Minnesota is July.

In fact, on this day in history, 9 years ago, we got a massive snowstorm that left 4” of snow actually on the ground, but easily double that amount fell (due to the ground being warm and melting much of the early fall). That also happens to be the day my daughter was born. My dad was super frustrated trying to navigate the last 20 miles to the hospital, because the intense blizzard conditions had slowed traffic to a crawl.