
When Airbnb Goes Horribly Wrong: "Super Host"

Florida Panhandler5/26/2024 7:44:41 am PDT

re: #119 Hecuba’s daughter

I am confused — there is a definite segment of the Libertarian Party that seemed committed to Trump — is this just a different faction? How much of the party is ready to support him to achieve power in the real world?

The Classical Libertarians like von Mises who believe there should be no border wall at all, employers should be able to hire anyone they wish and there should be no barriers between worker supply and employers think Trump is a charlatan while touting “freedom”. There are approx about 4 of these people left in the entire universe.

Many modern Libertarians, neo-Libertarians are significantly made up of people who want all their own anti-EPA, anti-CARB and anti-safety regs “freedom” without any sense of actual responsibility for whatever outcomes occur. This toddler mindset is very much adjacent to fascism, where state assets are to be used to solidify the power of the In-group and socialize the pollution and tragedy amongst the general population.

Then there are the massive numbers who just want to smoke pot.