
Iran's Manhattan Project Rushing Ahead

drcordell9/29/2009 11:12:26 am PDT

re: #262 Kosh’s Shadow

The Russians believe in paradise in this world, and the Russian premiers never wanted to rule over a nuclear ruin.

The Mullahs and Ahmadinejad believe a war will bring the Mahdi.

Now that its 2009, all of you have no problem talking about how the “godless” Soviets never really wanted to nuke us. Yet if you were to have uttered those words 30 years ago you would have been tarred with the same pejoratives that you currently lob in my direction. Now it’s the Iranians that are the soulless bastards hellbent on forcing nuclear apocalypse. Until 30 years from now the nuclear holocaust hasn’t come to pass, and then it will be another nation that takes Irans place as the first-strike bogeyman.

Regimes don’t oppress their people, rig elections and create totalitarian states to cede their power by launching a nuclear attack. Accumulating worldly power is their goal, not having their entire nation turned into a sheet of radioactive glass. If it’s just about nuking Israel, why bother keeping dinner-jacket in power? Even Mousavi was 100% behind the continuation of the nuclear program.