
Boehner to GOP: 'Behave Like Grown-Ups'

CyanSnowHawk3/22/2010 11:16:13 am PDT

re: #192 drcordell

You understand exactly what I meant. Which is most relevant to the U.S. economy today, the tax rate in 1899, or the tax rate in 1979? You’re completely deflecting away from the topic at hand here. Tax rates from 1913 until the early 80’s were at 70%+ for the highest bracket. And we did just fine. Explain why that wouldn’t be the case today.

How could I know what you meant when what you said was not what you meant? I could make that assumption, but that way lies chaos.

Past performance is no guarantee of future performance.
Correlation does not imply causation.

By your argument, prohibition could be blamed for the great depression. After all, the crash came only 9 years after prohibition started, and 4 years before prohibition ended, and we recovered some time after prohibition ended.

Nice to see that you are restricting your argument to the relevant time period. It’s good to see a student improve with a little guidance.