
Overnight Open Thread

268 8:14:19 am PDT

re: #239 Reginald Perrin

Lets not leave out the Koch’s brothers and their 100 million dollars spent to muddy the waters.

Are they foreign?

Whew. I’ve been trying to follow this thread and becoming ever more confused.

“Proof”, as I understand it, would be documents showing wrongdoing, that the entity being charged can respond to. “Proof” isn’t a blanket statement by somebody, nor is it just general and broad knowledge, like “Foreign entities contribute to the CoC and the money goes into the general fund, which is used to make contributions”. I may be off base with that, but having worked at a job where I had to show and document poor performance by an employee before we could fire him, I know that a simple blanket statement “You didn’t do your job well” was not sufficient. We had to have witnesses and/or actual documentation (work records, whatever) showing the poor performance.