
The GOP's Drive to Tear Down the Wall of Separation

First As Tragedy, Then As Farce10/27/2010 2:43:21 pm PDT

Christine O’Donnell is just starting to get sad now.

O’Donnell threatened to sue radio station

It was then, according to WDEL, that O’Donnell herself threatened to sue the station if it did not comply with the request. WDEL also says it later fielded a phone call from O’Donnell campaign manager Matt Moran, who threatened to “crush” the station with a lawsuit if it did not agree to turn over the tape.

WDEL’s attorney was soon involved and told the campaign there was nothing illegal about videotaping the interview for later use on the station’s website and added that such action is protected by the First Amendment.

Upon further investigation, WDEL says O’Donnell’s attorney called the station to apologize for the uproar and threat of litigation.